Winter Ponds in San Diego

Here in Southern California, we are lucky.While the rest of the country is doing all sorts of winter readiness things to their ponds, we are business as usual.Some parts of the country need to remove the fish from the pond to a more weather safe location for the winter.Some actually drain the pond, for the winter, while others need to remove the pump.In comparison, In San Diego , we are lucky. For the most part we are treating our ponds the same as the rest of the year.over grown pond

The pond photo above, was taken this week . This pond is 70% overgrown. The water plants are healthy and the water is clear. The fish are happy and , this Aquascape pond is working great. We will perform  a Clean out, on this pond. The usual steps and activities will be performed, such as removing the fish and some of the pond water to a holding tank.Along with the clean out , filter pads and under water lights will be replaced. In only one day , this pond will be “good as new”

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