What is a pondless waterfall

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Whenever I go out on a new pond consultation, I need to evaluate if what the customer asks for, will actually work, were they want it.Sometimes when they say that a pond would be great, what they mean is, Water would be great.Sometimes a pond wouldn’t be great in this circumstance.

Sometimes a pondless waterfall would be better.Sometimes a pondless waterfall will work better than a pond. When children or heavy foot traffic is expected in a location, a pond might be a liability concern,This is one circumstance where a pondless waterfall might be preferred.A pondless waterfall has all the beauty of the pond however it has a few other positive aspects , that a pond doesn’t. A pondless waterfall holds the majority of its water under ground. This cuts down on evaporation,and allows for the possibility of being shut down , when ever the customer wants. ( A pond needs to run continuously).A pondless waterfall can be walked , crawled, of climbed on with a feeling of safety, not always present in a pond.

These are some of the things I need to think of every timesmall pondless waterfall someone tells me. I want a pond.

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