I live in SanDiego,How do I know if I have a leak in my pond.

In San Diego,as pretty much in most places,we have a few basic ways to determin if your pond has a leak.
The first thing we usually do is verify if the water level is going down quicker than it should.We start by determining how much water loss we actually have.We are only interested in measurments in inches at this point(later we can transfer this to gallons if we want).We find a spot in the pond where we can see the water level clearly ,such as a rock or other point that doesnt change.We take note of the water level as it relates to this point.We like to do our meaurments in 24 hr.intervels.The next day we remeasure and take another note.At this time we turn off or unplug the waterfal pump.20131124_163545
We return the next day and take a water level reading again. If the water level hasnt changed, we know know that a leak is in the pump or waterfall system.We can search the pump or waterfall for the problem. If we find that the water level has continued to go down we know that the pond has the leak.If after doing a cursery search and we find nothing obvious,we then need to wait until the water level stops going down.When the pond water level finally stops going down,we know there is a leak at this level,somewhere in the pond.This now gives us a water line that can be checked . Depending on what the pond is built out of ,this leak can now be found and repaired. This is a time consumeing project,but it works most of the time.
If you need help or just want to talk check us out at www.OURPONDS.com. or give us a call (858) 449-9135

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