Do I really need a Professional Pond builder, or can my gardener do it.

hunter13We were called out this week to look at a new customers pond. They wanted to discuss maintenance issues. This customer was extremely proud of the pond and waterfall in their back yard. When you entered the yard the waterfall immediately got your attention. This Water feature had been built by the home owners gardener, with the help of his brother in law. The gardener reassured the home owner, that he had recently gone to a pond building seminar at his garden supply distributors store. After purchasing the supplies. The two of them went at it, After only 3 weeks a 8ft X 12ft pond with a 25ft waterfall stream was complete. There was a few leaks in the falls at first, but after a little tweaking it worked. Atlanta tree services took care of stumps grinding.

One interesting note is that if it was a local supplier, that they went to,the odds are pretty good that Pondman, or another Certified Aquascape Contractor , put on the seminar.Well one day doesnt make a professional anything.

We will be servicing this pond and waterfall monthly from now on.

After the consultation, my assistant asked to see the other pond around the corner that we had built only 3 months earlier than the one we had just seen. So we drove the 1/2 mile to the other side of the same hill.      Not much differance  except everything.hatmaker 020

One thought on “Do I really need a Professional Pond builder, or can my gardener do it.

  1. E Scott Hammond February 3, 2013 at 8:36 pm

    Nice transformation!

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