The home owner had an existing, small pond that was a diy system. It was ok , but they wanted a bigger pond and waterfall. The Pondman crew removed the old pond system, and built a brand new system.
We have a leak in the new pond
Rebuild this pond,into a pondless
Wow this was a pretty cool, project in San Diego. It started out as a pond rebuild, then morphed into a (build us a pondless waterfall). check it out.
How to find the leak
In this video, I discuss, how to find a leak, Lots of ways are out there. but this works, pretty well.
Pondman, working during the virus
Ok here is a short vid, on me building a pondless waterfall. At the same time This Covid thing is going on. It made this build a little more challenging.
January is gone.
Well,not quite, but almost.

We have been busy scheduling Pond clean outs. This year the phone has been ringing more than ever. The month of February is CLOSED. We are continuing to schedule , but the service time is getting further out each day. Please be sure to contact us to get on the calender. Call (858) 449-9135 or email and HURRY!
Its raining in my pond
Here in the San Diego area, We generally don’t need to worry about our ponds,when it rains. However ,sometimes the pond was installed in the wrong area,and is subject to run off from the yard or other area,when it rains. This can cause problems,depending on what washes in the pond along with the rain water. Its always a good idea to check on your pond after a good storm. This way if something looks off, you have time to get it corrected,before it causes a problem.

Usually the pond and its inhabitants will be ok until the regularly scheduled pond clean out. But if it looks bad ,don’t hesitate to call you pond maintenance people to look at it.
The Pondman crew, regularly check on ponds, in addition to doing the maintenance, and spring clean outs . Call if you have a need, We are happy to help. (858) 449-9135
Too many hands in the pot.

Recently , I was on a project involving a patio, pond and back yard landscaping. Almost finished,and a neighbor from down the street walked up ,curious as to what we were doing. I invited him to see the back yard. As we walked towards the back yard ,He talked about how ,he had just finished an 8 month project in his own yard. He went on to say that he was happy with the outcome,but the process had been a nightmare, finding all the sub contractors, was hard enough he told me, but getting them out to the site and working together in a schedule seemed impossible . He had troubles getting them to work together, and around each others other jobs.Some of them ,he said he had to replace,because they didn’t even show up to work.His story went on for a few minutes then as we walked around the corner of the house, He stopped talking, and just looked at the yard ,we had been working on for the last three weeks. He saw the Beautiful waterfall,and pond,a completely finished paver, patio and cover, along with a completely landscaped yard. The only thing being done was a couple of guys doing a final clean up. He asked how I had been able to get all the other contractors to work this quickly, with such a great outcome. I smiled ,and told him . We do it all ourselves.
Its the end of the year, or is it the beginning?

It that Time of year again. Winter is a slow down time in the pond world,YES, even in Southern California.
With the slow down ,its a perfect time to get your pond rebuilt, or kick it up to the next level.Its a great time to set it up for a new year.A new water falls might be what it needs,or even an upgrade in its size.Now is the time to get it done,before the next year ,when the schedules get crowded.

Half way in 2019
Wow we are half way into the year. It just stopped raining the other day. Now its over 100 degrees, dang.Well we are going heavy and fast! Lots of pond clean outs, pump replacements, and the weekly pond maintenance seems to never stop.